“We believe that every mother should have access to dignified support and tangible resources. ”

We exist to fill in the gaps and make the difference so mothers can thrive.

![Optimized-100-ROCKSTEADY IMAGES [Her Village Print]-ROQ20106.jpg](https://images.squarespace-cdn.com/content/v1/5e1129994e593e7ac116f2ba/1635200701897-W6VUKOHJKHF8V8875J4I/Optimized-100-ROCKSTEADY+IMAGES+%5BHer+Village+Print%5D-ROQ20106.jpg)
How We Support Moms
Diaper bank
Our diaper bank provides diaper and wipes supplements to the moms we serve each month.
menstrual equity
We provide both access to free period supplies and education for families. All menstruators should understand what’s happening to their bodies.
little free library
Our Little Free Library is located in our office family room. While families wait to receive their essentials, they can also choose books for the entire family.
postpartum/newborn kits
We fill up brand new diaper backpacks (perfect for city living) with hygiene and postpartum care items for both mom and baby. We also provide nursing kits for moms who choose to breastfeed. These kits include nursing bras, tanks, and pads.

Follow us @wearehervillage